In the event that your check is returned unpaid for insufficient or uncollected funds, we my re-present your check electronically. I will not hold these firms or Palace Station responsible for any information released in the ordinary course of business. I give Palace Station Casino permission to obtain information regarding my accounts with the bank(s) listed above and to request information from any recognized credit bureau. The confidentiality of the information you have furnished is preserved except when disclosure of this information is required by applicable law. Fees may be assessed for returned checks or third party collections.
Markers not paid within fourteen (14) days of the issue date are subject to deposit unless alternative payment arrangements are made with the appropriate Palace Station Casino management personnel prior to the payment due date.
This authorization applies to my business and personal accounts. My signature below is authorization for my financial institution to provide Station Casinos with requested information pertaining to my checking accounts in accordance to the provisions of the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Acts.